Deeper Network’s Mainnet Launch Raffle Giveaway
As a celebration of our Mainnet Launch and giving back to the community, we are holding a raffle giveaway! It’s easy to participate and with your support, the more people that you help discover Deeper Network, the stronger the network becomes.
- Top Prizes: (3) Deeper Connect Minis*
- $DPR Prizes: (10) 100 $DPR winners*
- Merch Prizes: (20) Deeper Network T-Shirts*
*Contestants can win a maximum of one prize in each prize category. For example, a contestant cannot win 2 Deeper Connect Minis.

Contest Period:
- 8/18/2021–8/28/2021 @ 3am (UTC+0)
Official Contest Rules:
- Contestants earn raffles for completing the following tasks
- Contestants must join our Discord:
- Do not post invite links in other Deeper Network communities and platforms
- Previous stakers from phase-1 and phase-2 can also partake in this event with their staked amounts counting towards this giveaway.
- Deeper Network reserves the right to modify the contest rules when necessary
Contestants earn raffles for the following:
- 1 Raffle………. Reaction to contest announcement on Discord announcement channel
- 2 Raffles………Per quality invite** to our Discord server (up to 100 invites using your referral)
- 10 Raffles…….for posting on Social Media (Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, BitcoinTalk, Tik Tok, etc.) the following: “I’ve staked in Deeper Network’s genesis node mining and will receive a free miner which will earn passive income just for sharing my unused internet bandwidth! #staked @deeper_network”
- 20 Raffles………Stake at least 20,000 DPR in genesis node mining (@Parker to verify stake)
- 30 Raffles………..Previous stakers from phase-1 & phase-2 can earn raffle tickets by verifying their previous stake with @Parker and posting on social media the following and sending @Parker a screenshot: “I’ve staked in Deeper Network’s genesis node mining and will receive a free miner which will earn passive income just for sharing my unused internet bandwidth! #staked @deeper_network”
- Additional 10 Raffles…………Stake 46,800 DPR or more (@Parker to verify stake)
- Additional 20 Raffles………….Stake maximum 468,000 DPR (@Parker to verify stake)
**Quality invites are invites that are not bots and do not leave the server by the time the contest ends.
Checking Invite Status:
- Participants can check the status of their invites in the #level-status channel by typing “!invites”.
Winner Drawing:
-Winners will be drawn Live on August 31, 2021 @ 3pm (UTC+0)
-Zoom link will be announced and the drawing will be livestreamed